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Candy Drops

Meaning within


These Ento Candy Drops are reminiscent of the iconic insect lollipops you might have eaten at a science museum. However, with an elevated experience and meaningul purpose. 


The half sphere form of the candy allows you to see the insect in the center of the candy on the flat side and a distorted, almost blurred, view of the insect on the round side.

The smaller candies contain insect pieces while the larger ones are whole insects.


Ento Candy Drops are mainly made from sugar and corn syrup, so they are inherently sweet tasting.


The color and transparency is natural from the ingredients of the candy, much resembling amber


Heat it High

Making hard candy requires you to heat up the syrup and sugar mixture to a

hard-crack temperature state. 


De-mold & Enjoy!

Take the candies out from the molds and fix any unshapen edges. Now enjoy!


Pour in Molds

Pour hot liquid into molds of your choice and chill for a couple hours. Ento Candy Drops are designed to enhance the experience of being able to see the insect as well as blur its transparency on its other side.


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