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Elevating and giving value to the experience of eating insects

"A quarter of the world’s greenhouse gases come from food production.

1.3 billion tons of food are wasted every year, equivalent to 1 trillion dollars.

100kg of CO2 is generated for 1 kg of beef.

One half of the world’s habitable land is used for livestock."

Instead of fearing insects, the degredation of our environment caused by our food culture is what we should be fearing.

Let Entogems inspire you to eat new foods that are better for you... 

Insects constain all essential amino acids, they have x5 More magnesium than beef, x12 more vitamin B-12 than salmon, and contains more protein than lean beef.

Let Entogems inspire you to eat new foods that are better for the planet... 

Compared to cattle, crickets consume 93% less land, 96% less feed, and 98% less water. Insects can feed the world’s growing population, and promote biodiversity and sustainability in our food sources.



Eat better food for yourself

Eat meaningful with loved ones

Eat sustainable food for the world

Entogems welcomes you to a culture of entomapaghy. Enjoy the rich flavors and nutritional benefits of insects.

Share a beautiful and meaningful gift with loved ones, bring them good wishes, health, and fortune. Share your love of the world and the joy of food with those around you.

Eat foods that are sustainable for the world. Protect the environment with responsibly farmed foods, increase biodiversity and the foods we can enjoy, and encourage the consumption of food that can support a growing population.

Entogems Mission

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